Who we are?
Maritime Supplier that advises, markets and promotes a wide portfolio of Maritime Products, specially oriented to supply the Naval and Offshore industries, including Port Facilities, Shipyards, Arsenals and all types of Maritime and/or River Vessels.
Brief history
2007 was the year of its inception within the fold of SERVICE MANAGEMENT, which operated as an integral Maritime Company within the maritime, river and lake scopes, on a regional level. As from 2013, it diversified as a Maritime Supplier into SERVICE LOGISTIC, seeking to render the best logistic support to the diverse areas of the Maritime Operation, as well as regional Maritime Commerce needs.
Vision and Objectives
SERVICE LOGISTIC maintains the firm commitment to satisfy the needs of its clients, providing top notch products and the best professional and trustworthy service, in a timely and proper manner.
Always close to you
and at your service under any circumstance
Therefore, the following services are offered:
  • Turnkey solutions, as from counselling and design to the meticulous and thorough after sale service.
  • Products manufactured under international license, regulations or standards, with all the required certifications thereof.
  • Strong commitment of timely delivery, supported by a large factory stock, great production capacity and a diligent follow up.

In brief, our OBJETIVES / GOALS are as follows:

  • To provide a professional and highly reliable service.
  • To offer high quality and certified products.
  • To generate extremely trustworthy actions / attitudes, based upon a flexible and proactive behaviour, aimed to comply with our Clients’ requirements and/or expectations.
• Main providers - Worldwide market:


Pneumatic fenders, Foam fenders, buoys, anchors, bollards, quick release hooks and integrated port facility systems.


Oil Spill Barriers, skimmers, Hydraulic Groups, custom-made container systems.

Qingdao Jier Engineering Rubber Co, Ltd:

Fixed Fender Systems, cone, cylindrical, legs, tugboat belt, etc.

TGS – The Grab Specialist:

A wide variety of heavy load shovels for all kinds of fixed or mobile cranes.

Laiwu Steel Group Zibo Anchor Chain Co, Ltd:

Marine Mooring and/or Anchorage Chains. Anchors, fixing and connection accessories.

Ship Safe Marine Equipment Ltd:

Pneumatic fenders, Seaflex YOKOHAMA hoses, and port equipment.

Main Clients


Dardo Rocha 78 - (B1641CJB) Acassuso - Bs. As.- ARG.




+54 11 4733 0034
+54 911 3045 7717